The Primary Healthcare Pact
Now more than ever rapid transformation by the primary healthcare and corporate sectors is needed to ensure closer alignment to the healthcare policies and initiatives of Government. Given the pivotal role of corporate South Africa in the development and implementation of viable and sustainable solutions for employed, but currently uninsured individuals, we believe that businesses can assist in addressing many of the current healthcare challenges of our country.

The Primary Healthcare Pact (PHP) is an initiative that complements the efforts of the government by funding medical cover for employed individuals. At the heart of this initiative is the intent to create a precursor and ultimately an alternative private sector funding and service delivery mechanism that can support National Health Insurance (NHI). The PHP will essentially create benefits earlier, cheaper, and with far less risk than would be possible if government were to implement NHI without private sector support.
The PHP involves the signing of an undertaking by general practitioners, pharmacies, pathology laboratories and radiology practices to work in close collaboration to deliver a comprehensive and cohesive primary care service at a highly affordable, agreed rate.
The care delivery programme, facilitated by the National HealthCare Group, is being implemented by a primary healthcare cooperative consisting of 3 200 general practitioners, 2 800 pharmacies, as well as all major pathology laboratories, radiology practices, dentists and optometrists.
The National HealthCare Group is calling on South Africa’s corporate leaders to join us in supporting the PHP.
Giving back to society
In recent times accessibility to private healthcare has become another casualty of the financial hardship that has permeated businesses and homes in our country. As a result, thousands of South Africans now find themselves in the predicament that they can no longer afford to consult a general practitioner in private practice or obtain treatment for a much-needed healthcare condition.

Within the current socio-political environment, these individuals are sadly not alone as millions of South Africans have never in their lifetime had access to private healthcare services.
Given the immense responsibility that already exists on the public healthcare sector and the added load caused by a rampant COVID-19 pandemic, it has become imperative that the business community and South Africans in general play their part in easing the pressures on our already overburdened public healthcare sector.
Elevating youth employment
Events over the past two years have had a devastating effect on the South African economy and while it is slowly recovering, the impact will remain with the country for some time to come. South Africa’s youth are bearing the brunt of the hardship of an economy that has been left in shreds, with the current youth unemployment rate hovering above 65%, as indicated during the first quarter of 2022.
The National HealthCare Group is proud to be a partner of the YES 4 Youth initiative. YES 4 Youth is a business-led initiative which focuses on empowering unemployed and inexperienced youth in South Africa by partnering with corporate businesses in the private sector.
Through this partnership, we aim to provide unemployed youth the opportunity to gain valuable and practical experience in the workplace. By working together with YES 4 Youth in facilitating a 12-month programme, real workplace exposure will be within reach for the youth most affected by unemployment and the inability to gain work experience.
During the programme, candidates will have the opportunity to develop new skills and build on existing strengths that can be used to their advantage when entering the workforce. As a result of the YES 4 Youth initiative, the chances of candidates being called back for formal job interviews increase significantly.

Primary care for the elderly
The National HealthCare Group is committed to providing ongoing assistance at primary healthcare level to avoid unnecessary illness further down the line. We recently partnered with a remarkable organisation that supports those who all their lives have contributed to society and who now need help in accessing the care they deserve.
Restoring dignity and respect is core to what Neighbourhood Old Age Homes (NOAH) does for social pensioners to ensure that their basic needs of housing, food and healthcare are met through socio-economic support.
The National HealthCare Group recently made a donation to NOAH to ensure that these elderly individuals receive quality primary healthcare services. Some of the donation will go towards quality healthcare for the patients at the NOAH Clinic Site B, Khayelitsha, while a further part to the NOAH Woodstock Clinic will ensure that chronic and acute conditions are well-managed, treatment adherence is achievable, and protection against Covid-19 is provided.
More than 600 social pensioners will benefit from this donation, which will assist NOAH in continuing to provide quality healthcare for the elderly, who deserve to live with dignity in their golden years.

The Health Foundation
The Health Foundation is a non-profit company and registered public benefit organisation which works in partnership with the National HealthCare Group.
Together, these two organisations are committed to improving access and quality of healthcare services to all South Africans. The overall mission of the Health Foundation is to promote health and wellness by facilitating innovative partnerships and mobilising resources for priority public healthcare projects. We work closely with the Department of Health in an effort to align with their strategies to enable implementation of projects within state services, thereby strengthening the health system from the inside.
About 80% of the population in South Africa does not have medical insurance and relies on the public health system for its needs. The Health Foundation serves as a conduit for funds allowing the private sector to make an impact in the public healthcare space.