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About National HealthCare Group

National HealthCare Group was established to bring affordable and reliable private primary healthcare services to low-income employer groups. Since its inception in 2017, the group has introduced a series of ground-breaking primary healthcare solutions, entrenching itself as the provider of choice in the low-cost and emerging segments of the healthcare market. An extensive doctor network, well situated throughout South Africa, and a hands-on business philosophy has allowed the group to develop an intimate understanding of the needs of the low-cost market. National HealthCare has consistently grown lives under management within the group to more than 40 000 beneficiaries by providing administration and managed care services for our clients.

Growth Milestones


Established service provider partnership with GENRIC Insurance Company Ltd who underwrites both Standard Bank and Old Mutual products.


The introduction of the MediClub iSeries – National HealthCare Group’s Exempted insurance product line-up. BeWell, a product marketed under the Standard Bank brand is launched to the employer market to provide employees with access to affordable private primary healthcare services.


TymeHealth launches through digital TymeBank app.


Through Enablemed, the National HealthCare Group can lay claim to a 25-year heritage. The MediClub product range expanded to a WhatsApp based service, MediClub Connect™. InVenFin, the venture capital arm of Remgro Limited, acquires a stake in National HealthCare Group.


With the acquisition of Enablemed in July 2019, National HealthCare Group extended its service offering to the medical scheme industry and doubled its independent provider network. In 2019, the National HealthCare Group onboarded its first major Exempted insurance client.


National HealthCare Group launched the first Corporate based primary healthcare product.


The National HealthCare Group was established in 2017, through investment from Patrice Motsepe’s ARC Health, to bring affordable and reliable private primary healthcare services to low-income employer groups with specially designed products such as MediClub Premier and Elite. Soon afterwards, the group established and branded its own independent practitioner association comprising of 1,300 doctors.
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Our reason for being

Our vision is to improve access to reliable and affordable healthcare cover for employees in the lower, and emerging income market, where many millions of South Africans have never yet in their lifetime enjoyed access to private healthcare services.

Ownership and expertise

Our shareholders

National HealthCare Group’s shareholders include ARC Health (Pty) Ltd, a private investment company, majority-owned by African Rainbow Capital and managed by African Rainbow Capital Health Managers and InVenFin, the venture capital arm of Remgro Limited. Other shareholders include Growth Grid Venture Capital Partners and several seasoned business leaders who have led organisations such as CareCross Health, Dimension Data, Imperial, future Growth and Ernst & Young.

The National HealthCare Team

The highly experienced National HealthCare team collectively has more than a century’s experience within the South African healthcare market. The directors of the company include doctors, technology experts and chartered accountants.