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Innovative Leaders in Access to Care

“What is needed right now are consummate leaders who understand the importance of offering employees efficient health cover during these challenging times. Not only will it stand businesses in good stead by reducing absenteeism and strengthening the bottom line, but it also builds morale, solidarity, loyalty and ultimately good labour relations.”
Dr Reinder Nauta
Chairman of
National HealthCare Group

Changing the face of the
South African Healthcare Landscape

The Patient Charter

As a patient of an accredited National HealthCare Group service provider, I recognise my responsibilities to my health and know that I can trust my healthcare professional to always put my health and well-being first so that together we can achieve the best possible outcomes.

I have the right to:

Be called by my name.

Be treated with compassion, dignity and respect.

Receive appropriate treatment, no matter my beliefs, age, gender, disability or financial status.

Receive the correct information about my health, diagnosis, proposed treatments, the risk associated with the treatment and the costs involved in word that I can understand.

Participate in decisions about my health condition and the treatment thereof.

Receive confidential and fair counselling about matters such as reproductive health, cancer and HIV/AIDS.

Request a referral for a second opinion if I wish to.

Know that doctors and other healthcare professionals won't talk about my illness and personal information to anyone unless I have given consent for them to do so.

It is my responsibility to:

Use the healthcare system responsibly and not abuse it.

Be honest with the healthcare provide about all relevant illnesses and my family medical history.

Follow treatment plans and make sure I fully understand the instructions about how to manage my condition by asking the healthcare provider about anything I don't understand.

Take care of my own health. Healthcare providers will provide me with the necessary care and advice, but it is my responsibility to act on this.

Take care of the healthcare records that are in my possession.

Respect the rights of other patients as well as healthcare providers.